The Oldtimers' Grapevine: Creating Communication ~ Connection ~ Community for Readers
The Oldtimers' Grapevine is a free print and electronic newsletter published three times a year, supported by our readers' free-will, tax-deductible donations. Affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the ministry networks older adults/retirees and those who support them throughout the denomination.
Newsletter stories and content are designed to:
1) Enhance communication and sharing of mutual experiences;
2) Convey a holistic view of aging and health;
3) Advocate for older adults to become a supportive, loving and caring community;
4) Give honor and dignity to the lives of those included in "For Whom The Bell Tolls" and
5) Highlight opportunities for the maintenance of a high-quality lifestyle and service in retirement.
With deep roots in the National Christian Missionary Convention and the National Convocation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the Grapevine values its diversity in readership, newsletter content, board leadership, editorial staff, and contributing writers; always striving to reflect our oneness in Christ.
The Grapevine invites the broader community to Join Us To Grow the Grapevine. In addition to older adults; we invite clergy, denomination staff & local church members involved in older adult ministry, and all those who are committed to the welfare of older adults and retirees to Sign-Up to join the Grapevine family.
This edition of The Oldtimers’ Grapevine includes stories about a meaningful opportunity from the Older Adult Ministries of the Disciples’ NBA, a congregational celebration in Indianapolis, and profiles of our newest members of Eighty Eighty Plus. You’ll also find personal stories about our caring community, news from our wider church ministries, poetry, and more! We hope you enjoy it and share it with family and friends.
After reading the issue, we invite you to Connect & Share your thoughts! What did you like most about it? Where can we improve? Do you have a story idea you'd like to share? Do you know a perfect candidate for the Eighty Eighty Plus Class of 2025?
Remember, when you sign up for email delivery of the newsletter, you'll receive it weeks earlier than regular mail!
The new Silver Chalice program launches, a congregation celebrates a mortgage milestone, an all-new Class of Eighty Eighty Plus, and a special tribute to Ruth Powell Hobbs, Board Member Emerita, who leaves behind a powerful legacy of character and faith.
Enjoy this seasonal poem by Ruth Hobbs, written in 2021, and learn more about New Light Christian Church, also featured in this edition.
Sign up HERE to receive the Fall 2024 newsletter - and future issues, in your inbox!
Since February 1991, when William K. Fox published the first issue of The Oldtimers’ Grapevine, the newsletter has been about: networking older adults and retirees by sharing the stories of readers as they successfully traverse the many challenges of aging; sharing the wider news of the denomination; and connecting readers to our common faith history as Disciples. Conveying a positive view of aging and highlighting the rewards of continuing service in retirement, the Grapevine proclaims the endless love, grace, and mercy of God that calls and carries us through each stage of life.
The Grapevine celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2021 and marked the occasion with a special issue of the newsletter and this video.
The premiere issue of The Oldtimers' Grapevine.
When you sign up to receive The Oldtimers' Grapevine newsletter via email, it's like getting a SNEAK PEEK...at updates about our wider church mission, stories from fellow "grapes," "shout outs" of appreciation, clergy news, and all the other features you've come to enjoy!
Choosing to receive the Grapevine by email:
Sign-Up to receive the three annual issues of The Oldtimers’ Grapevine newsletter via Email. There is no subscription fee to join the Grapevine family of readers.
The Oldtimers' Grapevine is supported by the free will, tax deductible donations of our readers. Annual gifts from our faithful supporters enable us to produce a quality product.
P.O. BOX 441695 | Indianapolis, Indiana | 46244 | info@oldtimersgrapevine.org
The Oldtimers' Grapevine is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent as permitted by law.
© 2024 The Oldtimers' Grapevine - All Rights Reserved.